Wednesday 15/10
(14h-17h) : PhD workshop (3h) presentation of each student’s works then tutoring by workshop moderators + poster session
afternoon : cultural visit during the workshop – 18h30 : reception at the Townhall
Thursday 16/10
8.30 : registration
9.00 : official opening + discourse
9.30 : plenary session
11.00 coffee break
11.00 parallel sessions (3 panels, up to 6 presentations per panel) 15 mns presentation + 5 mns Q&A
13.00 lunch at the creative villa
14.30 parallel sessions (3 panels, up to 4 presentations per panel) 15 mns presentation + 5 mns Q&A
16.00 coffee break
16.30-18.00 parallel sessions (3 panels, up to 4 presentations per panel) 15 mns presentation + 5 mns Q&A
19.00 : reception at the townhall
20.00 : gala dinner
Friday 17/10
9.30 : parallel sessions (3 panels, up to 4 presentations per panel) 15 mns presentation + 5 mns Q&A
11.00 Poster presentations / brunch/ BtoB meetings/networking sessions
12.00 Roundtable discussions
14.30 : heritage visits/exhibitions